Henry Ford's Dream City

Have you ever heard of Henry Ford's dream city of the South?

The Southern mecca he first envisioned in 1921...

Have you ever heard of it?

In collaboration with his pal Thomas Edison, Ford devised a unique way to power the city to create extreme wealth.

Chances are you've never heard of any of this... 

Because the dream city was never built.

The federal government blocked Ford.  Then Congress stole his wealth creating idea and pocketed the riches for itself.

This story is important for several reasons.

One, it is a special part of American history -- with important ramifications to this day.

Two, the unique wealth creating idea devised by Ford and Edison can still be exploited by savvy investors for life-changing profits.

In fact, this wealth building opportunity is so compelling I've published an important special report - and made it available free of charge - to readers of my free Economic Prism E-Newsletter.

It's called, "Utility Payment Wealth - Profit from Henry Ford's Dream City Business Model."

If discovering how this little known aspect of American history can make you rich is of interest to you...

Then I encourage you to input your email address into the subscribe box below...  

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Quite frankly, it's a small ask for the insights and profit opportunity you'll gain in return.

So what are you waiting for — grab your copy of this important special report today!


MN Gordon 

MN Gordon, Editor
Economic Prism

P.S.  Chances are, if you've read all this way and have not taken action yet.... you're likely to miss out on this special profit opportunity.  If so, please drop my office manager an email and tell him to put you on the waiting list for the next special opportunity we uncover.

P.P.S.  The Economic Prism E-Newsletter is published by Direct Expressions LLC.  To learn more about the many exciting publications we offer, please visit here.